Cali Triptych

I spend a fair amount of time in Los Angeles, Venice in particular, and I'm hugely fond of this part of the world. On my recent trip I discovered some unprimed wooden panels at the local art store and decided to try working on something a little different whilst I was here. 

I took influence from the beach palettes of my daily runs along Venice Boardwalk:

Venice Boardwalk, Los Angeles

Produced in the afternoon sunshine, powered by green juice and avocado on toast, I produced a triptych study of hands and hair - something I am currently obsessed with drawing. 

Pencil, charcoal, and acrylic on unprimed wood panel. 8 x 10"

Let me know what you think :) 

For a great guide to what to see and do in Venice, check out this blog post by The BLDG 25 Blog. 
