Introducing | Friday Freebie Fun

Hi everyone and happy Easter!

I have spent a lot of time recently, as we all have, at home and on the phone to loved ones across the world. Something that has become increasingly apparent is that we must all be kind, helpful, and compassionate to one another, and do our bit to help however we can.

One small way I thought I could contribute is to offer something to help inspire some creativity. Colouring is a fun, calming and meditative activity that relieves stress and encourages self expression. So, for the foreseeable, I will be sharing a new colouring sheet each Friday, that you can save and print at home. There is a PNG version also, if you want to colour on the iPad.

It’s Good Friday, so I’ll kick off with a festive floral beauty. To get this image you can:
1. Right click on the image below and save to your device
2. Download from this link here

I hope you enjoy colouring, send me your finished works :D
Please feel free to share, tag your friends, and follow me on instagram for weekly new materials!

Easter fashion illustration colouring sheer.jpg